Founder Letter

Nurturing Our True Wealth

At times, we do reflect on: What’s our true wealth in life and its purpose?

l have often asked many wealthy families, "What is your true wealth?" I get multiple answers, but the most common one is "Children". If that be the case, how much do we prepare our children (GenNext) to take the legacy forward and more importantly, build a legacy of their own.

Building and sustaining a legacy is not an easy affair. This requires sustaining the values, the entrepreneurial spirit and the ability to overcome failures. Many a times, the GenNext is not fully geared to take this forward. We can't entirely blame them for this.

Have we not over protected them as part of their upbringing and kept them away from real life challenges? Possibly, they have not seen failures to bring out the best in them.

The real emphasis should be on sustaining the entrepreneurial spirit and building the "right" businesses in the "right" way. The definition of "right" depends on the value system we come from .

Is not it our duty to impart those values deep enough while we are nurturing our true wealth "GenNext"?