Money & Finance

Making financial ecosystem stronger

The Challenge

Capital is one of the key factors of growth in an economy. Both consumers and businesses depend on availability and accessibility of capital to achieve their goals. 

Every day, more and more consumers are joining the formal economy and there is a need for services that can cater to different needs and help achieve financial resilience.

Similarly, business have varying needs depending on the stage of the company. However, SMEs sometimes are starved of capital from formal credit institutions given their small scale of operations.This leads them to raise capital from informal sources which does not augment positively for their business.

Our Thesis

Money is the most successful tool for collaboration in all of human history.

And now, more than ever, effective collaboration is essential to make meaningful progress towards global challenges.

To enable this, we believe that a strong financial ecosystem should have three key components: capital mobility, informational transparency and prospects for growth. We aim to invest across the value chain to help businesses and consumers achieve their goals.

Our Focus
Alt Finance
Alt Finance