Founder Letter

Setting The Foundation Right

I have been fortunate to work with successful and wealthy business families. There is so much to learn from their journey of wealth creation. Each one of them has an exciting story to share.

For these families, it is great to be wealthy and to be amongst the privileged few.

The real challenge for most families is to channelise the wealth or success in the right way, be it growing the business or helping society.

This is all shaped by their aachar (character), vichar (thoughts) and vyavhar (behaviour) in that order. These are the values which define our actions.

So the foundation here is to get the right aachar (which is not dependent on education, however great the University may be).

There are enough examples of successful people falling from their peak for not getting their aachar right, be it business, corporate or social life.

When I work with business families, it is definitely an area of discussion in family boards and let us confesses that we, as a society, have not given enough thought to this.

Each of us has to go through personal reflections of what kind of foundation or value system we represent. We can only lead by example and be the change we want to see.

Once we get the foundation right, most families and businesses can be oriented as instruments of positive social change while creating wealth.

Moreover, let the wealth and wealthy find their true purpose.